- Nº of people:6
- Floor:
- Double beds:
- Individual beds:
- Individual sofa beds:
- Double sofa beds:
- Extra beds:
- Surface: 59 m2
This magnificent apartment is located in the heart of the city of Seville, in the heart of the Arenal district, right next to the Maestranza bullring.
Located on the first floor, it is equipped with sheets, blankets and towels. Living Sevilla Apartments provides the apartment with toilet soap, toilet paper, detergent, garbage bags and dish washing soap as a welcome.
It has a large outdoor lounge with two balconies overlooking the street and a double sofa bed. The kitchen-dining room is equipped with a refrigerator, washing machine, with programs for all types of clothes, digital 4-burner ceramic hob, kettle, coffee maker, toaster, microwave grill, juicer, blender, iron, dishes, glassware and cutlery for everyone, as well as pots, pans and other utensils. The two bedrooms have two twin beds, with a full bathroom with shower.
If there is anything you need, the staff of Living-Sevilla Apartment will do their best to attend your request.
We hope you will enjoy your stay.
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PREÇO TOTAL reserva: ? €
( ? € / Pessoa/Noite )
Total de noites estadia: | |
Dia de chegada | |
Dia da partida | |
Total pessoas: | Cálculo... + X |
: |
Oferece economia:
€ |
PREÇO TOTAL: | Cálculo... € |
Reservas montante a pagar agora | Cálculo... € |
Montante do pagamento na chegada | Cálculo... € |
Depósito de danos (reembolsável) | +Cálculo... € |
We have sent you the pre-reservation with the bank account details and the amount that you must pay to formalize the reservation.
It is necessary to send a copy of the transfer
We do not reserve the accommodation until we have received the copy of the transfer.
Once we have received your payment an e-mail is sent to you with the booking confirmation.
It is necessary to review your details to complete the reservation. Make sure that the details are correct....
Booking information :